
Application Calendar

1. Bacillomix semennops - treatment of seeds with a 3% solution or concentrated product before sowing in containers for better germination, rooting and development of the root system.
1. Bacillomix semennops - treatment of seeds with a 3% solution or concentrated product before sowing in containers for better germination, rooting and development of the root system.

2. Bacillomix original - seedling care - watering the plants with a 0.1% solution for 10-14 days.
MARCH 1.Bacillomix semennops - treatment of seeds with a 3% solution or concentrated product before sowing in containers for better germination, rooting and development of the root system. 1. Bacillomix semennops - treatment of seeds with a 3% solution or concentrated product before sowing in containers and submerging the seedlings before planting for better germination, rooting and development of the root system.

2. Bacillomix original - seedling care - watering the plants with 0.1% solution or 1ml per plant through the irrigation system every 10-14 days.

3. Biotic B - 0.1% solution for foliar treatment every 10-14 days.
1. Botrix B for foliar treatment of stone fruit 2-3l/ha.

3 treatments are recommended in the phenophase of flowering (beginning, full flowering and over-flowering) in order to protect against Monilia spp.
APRIL 1. Bacillomix semennops - treatment of seeds with a 3% solution or concentrated product before sowing in containers for better germination, rooting and development of the root system.

2. Gramino B in the amount of 0.6-0.8 l/ha for foliar treatment of wheat alone or together with herbicides and fungicides against leaf pathogens.
1. Bacillomix semennops - treatment of seeds with a 3% solution or concentrated product before sowing in containers and submerging the seedlings before planting for better germination, rooting and development of the root system.

2. Bacillomix original - seedling care - by watering the plants with 0.1% solution or 1ml per plant through the irrigation system every 10-14 days.

3. Biotic B - seedling care - by watering the plants with 0.1% solution or 1ml per plant through the irrigation system every 10-14 days.
1. Botrix B for foliar treatment of stone fruit 2-3l/ha. 3 treatments are recommended in the phenophase of flowering (beginning, full flowering and over-flowering) in order to protect against Monilia spp.

STRAWBERRY: - after removing the old leaf, Bacillomix original 3-4 l/ha through the irrigation system for better absorption of nutrients from the soil and protection of the roots from pathogens.
MAY 1. Bacillomix semennops - treatment of seeds with a 3% solution or concentrated product before sowing in containers for better germination, rooting and development of the root system.

2. Gramino B in the amount of 0.6-0.8 l/ha for foliar treatment together with herbicides and fungicides against Fusarium spp (in wheat and barley).
1. Bacillomix original - by watering the plants with a 0.1% solution or 1ml per plant through the irrigation system for better germination, rooting and development of the root system. On larger areas, 3 l/ha.

2. Biotic B - 1-1.5 l/ha for foliar treatment every 10-14 days.
1. Botrix B for foliar treatment 2-3l/ha. 3 treatments are recommended in the phenophase of flowering (beginning, full flowering and over-flowering) in order to protect against Monilia spp.

STRAWBERRY AND BERRY FRUITS: - from the beginning of flowering until the end of harvest, 2-3 l/ha to protect against Botrytis cinerea.
JUNE 1. Gramino B in the amount of 0.6-0.8 l/ha for foliar treatment together with pesticides.

SUGAR BEET - It is recommended to start the treatment together with herbicides against wild sorghum and continue independently or with fungicides against leaf spot (Cercospora beticola).
1. Bacillomix original - by watering the plants with a 0.1% solution or 1ml per plant through the irrigation system for better germination, rooting and development of the root system. On larger areas, 3 l/ha.

2. Biotic B - 1-1.5 l/ha for foliar treatment every 10-14 days.

- in order to increase the immunity of plants in the fight against bacterial downy mildew (Xanthomonas campestris and Pseudomonas spp.), it is necessary to start the treatments from emergence and continue every 10-14 days until the end of the harvest.
1. Botrix B for foliar treatment 2-3l/ha continuously or together with other products for plant nutrition and protection.

- from the beginning of flowering until the end of harvest, 2-3 l/ha to protect against Botrytis cinerea.
JULY 1. Gramino B in the amount of 0.6-0.8 l/ha for foliar treatment together with pesticides.

- It is recommended to start the treatment together with herbicides against wild sorghum and continue independently or with fungicides against leaf spot (Cercospora beticola).
1. Bacillomix original - by watering the plants with a 0.1% solution or 1ml per plant through the irrigation system for better germination, rooting and development of the root system. On larger areas, 3 l/ha.

2. Biotic B - 1-1.5 l/ha for foliar treatment every 10-14 days.
- in order to increase the immunity of plants in the fight against bacterial downy mildew (Xanthomonas campestris and Pseudomonas spp.), it is necessary to start the treatments from emergence and continue every 10-14 days until the end of the harvest.
1. Botrix B for foliar treatment 2-3l/ha continuously or together with other products for plant nutrition and protection.

STRAWBERRY AND BERRY FRUITS: - from the beginning of flowering until the end of harvest, 2-3 l/ha to protect against Botrytis cinerea.
AUGUST 1. Gramino B in the amount of 0.6-0.8 l/ha for foliar treatment together with pesticides.

- It is recommended to start the treatment together with herbicides against wild sorghum and continue independently or with fungicides against leaf spot (Cercospora beticola).

2. Razor B in the amount of 1-1.5 l/ha alone or together with Total Herbicides, for decomposition of crop residues and soil mineralization.
1. Bacillomix original - by watering the plants with a 0.1% solution or 1ml per plant through the irrigation system for better absorption of nutrients and protection of the roots from pathogens. On larger areas, 3 l/ha.

2. Biotic B - 1-1,5 l/ha for foliar treatment.

- in order to increase the immunity of plants in the fight against bacterial downy mildew (Xanthomonas campestris and Pseudomonas spp.), it is necessary to start the treatments from emergence and continue every 10-14 days until the end of the harvest.
1. Botrix B for foliar treatment 2-3l/ha continuously or together with other products for plant nutrition and protection.

STRAWBERRY AND BERRY FRUITS: - from the beginning of flowering to the end of the harvest, 2-3 l/ha.

2. Bacillomix original 3-4 l/ha for treatment through the irrigation system after planting frigo or container hedges of STRAWBERRY to strengthen the root system and better reception of seedlings.

APPLE FRUIT - treatment of fruits before harvest in order to reduce the infectious potential of storage pathogens.
SEPTEMBER 1. Gramino B in the amount of 0.6-0.8 l/ha for foliar treatment together with pesticides.

- It is recommended to start the treatment together with herbicides against wild sorghum and continue independently or with fungicides against leaf spot (Cercospora beticola).

2. Razor B in the amount of 1-1.5 l/ha alone or together with Total Herbicides, for decomposition of crop residues and soil mineralization.
1. Bacillomix original - by watering the plants with a 0.1% solution or 1ml per plant through the irrigation system for better germination, rooting and development of the root system. On larger areas, 3 l/ha.

2. Biotic B - 1-1,5 l/ha for foliar treatment every 10-14 days.

PEPPER - in order to increase the immunity of plants in the fight against bacterial downy mildew (Xanthomonas campestris and Pseudomonas spp.), it is necessary to start the treatments from emergence and continue every 10-14 days until the end of the harvest.
1. Botrix B for foliar treatment 2-3l/ha continuously or together with other products for plant nutrition and protection.

STRAWBERRY AND BERRY FRUITS: - from the beginning of flowering until the end of the harvest, 2-3 l/ha.

2. Bacillomix original 3-4 l/ha for treatment through the irrigation system after planting frigo or container hedges of STRAWBERRY to strengthen the root system and better reception of seedlings.

- Botrix B
in the amount of 2-3l/ha for the treatment of fruits before harvest in order to reduce the infectious potential of storage pathogens.
OCTOBER 1. Razor B in the amount of 1-1.5 l/ha for decomposition of crop residues and soil mineralization, which increases its fertility. 1. Bacillomix original - by watering the plants with a 0.1% solution or 1ml per plant through the irrigation system every 10-14 days, for better absorption of nutrients and protection of the roots from pathogens. On larger areas, 3 l/ha.

2. Biotic B - 1-1.5 l/ha for foliar treatment every 10-14 days.

- in order to increase the immunity of plants in the fight against bacterial downy mildew (Xanthomonas campestris and Pseudomonas spp.), it is necessary to start the treatments from emergence and continue every 10-14 days until the end of the harvest.
- Botrix B
in the amount of 2-3l/ha for the treatment of fruits before harvest in order to reduce the infectious potential of storage pathogens.
NOVEMBER 1. Razor B in the amount of 1-1.5 l/ha for decomposition of crop residues and soil mineralization, which increases its fertility. PROTECTED AREAS

1. Bacillomix semennops
- treatment of seeds with a 3% solution or concentrated product before sowing in containers and submerging the seedlings before planting for better germination, rooting and development of the root system.

2. Bacillomix original
- seedling care -

by watering the plants with a 0.1% solution or 1ml per plant through the irrigation system every 10-14 days, for better absorption of nutrients and protection of the roots from pathogens.

3. Biotic B - seedling care - by watering the plants with 0.1% solution or 1ml per plant through the irrigation system every 10-14 days.

1. Bacillomix semennops
- treatment of seeds with a 3% solution or concentrated product before sowing in containers and submerging the seedlings before planting for better germination, rooting and development of the root system.

2. Bacillomix original
- seedling care -

by watering the plants with a 0.1% solution or 1ml per plant through the irrigation system every 10-14 days, for better absorption of nutrients and protection of the roots from pathogens.

3. Biotic B - seedling care - by watering the plants with 0.1% solution or 1ml per plant through the irrigation system every 10-14 days.